We will resume the Katsuura camp including the dan promotion examination after 4 years cancellation due to the pandemic.
This year marks the 80th anniversary of the death of Takeda Sokaku Sensei and the 30th anniversary of the death of Takeda Tokimune Sensei. We hope that many of you will participate. If you would like to participate, please contact each branch / study group chief.
Date: August 11, 2022 (Friday) 17:00 before dinner to 17th (Thursday) 13:00 lunch (Assemble at the site, disperse at the site)
Location: Nippon Budokan Katsuura Training Center
Nippon Budokan Training Center, 582 Sawakura, Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture 299-5231
Tel: 0470-73-2111
Participation fee: Adult 66,000 yen (11,000 yen/1 night, 3 meals including instruction fee), Student 60,000 yen (10,000 yen/1 night, 3 meals including instruction fee)
The above does not include promotion examination and certification fees.
Items to bring: Do-gi, obi, hakama and boku-tou (wooden swords) (if possible)
Notes (important):
・Participation must follow the rules of the Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Headquarters.
・Please check your body temperature before practice by each branch/study group. Those who are not in good conditon cannot participate in the practice.
・Participation for the whole schedule is recommended, but if you would like to participate partially, please let us know in advance.
・Branch / study group chiefs must submit a list of participants (name, age, gender, rank, hope to take the promotion examination, participation schedule (in the case of partial participation), dietary restrictions, health precautions, etc.) by July 9 (Sun) to the headquarters.
・ Branch / study group chiefs must confirm that participants have insurance in advance (sports insurance, travel insurance for foreign travelers, etc.).
Best regards
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Headquarters
1,警備高等学校(Private Secondary Vocational School Specializing in Security of People and Property)に於いての武道演武表彰を行いました。来賓は日本大使館はじめ財務管理局・警察学校・刑務・裁判所・教育庁・警備関係各社の代表者が参列し盛大に執り行われました。
参加者の皆様に怪我無く終了できて安心しております。主催者のステファン クリラの計画性・行動力・献身的なおもてなし・その人間力に最大限の敬意を表します。
誠にありがとうございました。 感謝。
From April 27th to May 1st, six seminar sessions were held in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, under the excellent coordination of the Branch Chief of Slovakia. From Japan, Masayuki Kondo, Hombucho, Hideto Usuyama, Fuku-Honbucho, and Akihiro Kuchimura, Branch Chief of Kanazawa, participated in the seminar.
1) A Martial arts prize-giving event was successfully held at the Private Secondary Vocational School Specializing in Security of People and Property. The guests of honor included representatives from the Embassy of Japan, the Financial Management Bureau, the Police Academy, the Penitentiary, the Courts, the Education Agency, and various companies in the private security industry.
After the ceremony, the winning and runner-up teams of the martial arts prize-giving event received instruction in Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu. The athletic ability and martial arts sense of the students who attend the Police and Security Vocational Preparatory School is very impressive, and we hope that they will become important members of the Daito-ryu community in the future.
2) The seminar for the Daito-ryu members was held four times over two days.
This time we had students from 12 countries, including Slovakia, the host country, Austria, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, and Japan. This time, we focused on practicing basic Aiki techniques, the understanding of Ikkajo techniques, and teaching techniques for higher dan students such as double-jointed locked techniques, techniques against several opponents, and Kasadori (techniques while holding umbrella). It was a great opportunity for us to get to know many of my students as well as to promote the understanding of the techniques. We believe that it also played a role in promoting world peace.
3) We held an open seminar for martial arts enthusiasts not knowing Daito-ryu. The seminar was very insightful as it was attended by high rank karate and judo practitioners, karate and judo athletes from the Slovakian national team, and high rank practitioners of other jujutsu styles. The open seminar was focused on understanding Aiki, the most important feature of Daito-ryu and also on the origins of joint techniques, their immediate use and their mastery. We received very positive feedback stating that the seminar was very inspirational to the participants from other styles as well, and some of them joined the Daito-ryu Slovakia branch.
We are relieved knowing that the event ended without any injured participants.
We would like to express my utmost respect to the organizer, Stefan Krilla, Branch Chief of Slovakia, for his planning, his energy, his dedicated hospitality, and his human qualities.
We also felt day and night the depth of the martial arts in the devotion and kindness of the families and students.
We deeply appreciated all your efforts.
Thank you very much.
To all Branch / Study Group Chiefs
We would like to inform you that there will be some changes to the schedule for the Katsuura Camp scheduled in August this year.
(Before change) August 11 (Friday) to August 18 (Friday), 2023
(After change) August 11 (Friday) to August 17 (Thursday), 2023
Detailed information and registration will be announced later, but at the moment we are planning to meet before dinner on Friday, August 11th and disperse after lunch on Thursday, August 17th.
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Headquarters
日時:4月29日~5月1日 5回
指導:近藤昌之本部長 臼山秀遠副本部長